Back From My Unexpected Hiatus

Fight or flight. It’s something I struggle with, constantly. When things get intense, and I face a stressful situation or decision, I take flight. I hightail it out of there. I have a fear of failure, so I never take the risks. Ironic really, since fleeing from the situation and never taking a chance has a guaranteed 100% failure rate…

I’ve heard it’s not uncommon to become overwhelmed in Yoga Teacher Training; there are so many elements to yoga. For me, I think it has been the new knowledge and heightened understandings of the theory of yoga. Continue reading

Reflections on Yoga Teacher Training

For the past 3 years I have been planning to complete my yoga teacher training and move further into my yoga practice. I was pregnant for the majority of 2012, and was unable to make the commitment I felt I needed to make to get the most out of yoga teacher training. I birthed my daughter 18 months ago, and I am ready to take the step forward into deeper and more meaningful practice.

I hope that this course will Continue reading